Monday, 11 November 2019

Diversey Romance/Popular Novels !

Diversey Romance / Popular Novels!

Diversey Romance Novels.

Reform School Girl # 1 - Felice Swados - 1948.

Reform School Girl # 1
Reform School Girl (back)

Extremely rare book that finally made it into my collection after many years of searching for it at the right price!

The cover and story behind this book make it of interest to Pulp/Digest/ Sleaze collectors. The fact that the Father of the Canadian skater Marty Collins (seen on photo cover) took Diversey Publishing Corporation to court for using the image and for deformation of character and won! causing the publisher to excise the first page of text from this and all further volumes (the first page is missing from my book) but there are other copies that have the first page intact (these are very, very rare)

Diversey Popular Novels!

Broadway Virgin # 1 - Lois Bull - 1949

Broadway Virgin # 1
Broadway Virgin (Back)

Another Diversey novel under the 'Popular' banner. Again with photo model on cover but this time no court case against the publishing company. Quite a rare book on it's own and still pretty racy for 1949!

Naked On Roller Skates - # 2 - Maxwell Bodenheim - 1949

Naked On Roller Skates # 2
# 2 Back cover

Bodenheim and Ruth Fagin (his third wife) were murdered February 6, 1954, at a flophouse at 97 Third Avenue in Manhattan, by a 25-year-old dishwasher, Harold "Charlie" Weinberg. They had befriended him on the streets of the Village and he offered to let them spend the night in his room a few blocks from the Bowery. Weinberg and Ruth had sex near the cot where the 62-year-old drunken Bodenheim appeared to be sleeping. Bodenheim arose, challenged Weinberg, and they began fighting. Weinberg shot Bodenheim twice in the chest. He beat Ruth and stabbed her four times in the back. Weinberg confessed to the double homicide, but said in his defence, "I ought to get a medal. I killed two Communists. Weinberg was judged insane (sociopathic) and sent to a mental institution.

Diversey Prize Novels!

Love For Sale # 5 - John Wilstach - 1949

Love For Sale # 5
Love For Sale (Back cover)

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