Saturday 12 April 2014

Les Romans Americains !

Bonjour ......right, that's all the French I know out of the way so let's move on with a great digest book company 'Les Romans Americains', printed in Paris, France from 1952 through until 1957 from numbers 1 - 68.

They were re-printing all books from the likes of Cameo, Quarter, Venus, Uni, Intimate and Original, obviously all were translated into French and all covers were re drawn (sometimes very badly) .

Where I can I will list the book with the original publisher and translated title.

OK .......let's head to sunny gay Paris !

1 - La Passante De Minuit - Gene Harvey ( Cameo #305 Pick Up At Midnight)
2 - Tout Pour Le Peche - Kermit Welles (Cameo #307 Sin Preferred)
Pick-Up At Midnight # 1
Sin Preferred  # 2

3 - Levres Pourpres - Peggy Gaddis ( Venus #127 Painted Lips)
4 - Les Amours Et Les Nuits Alice Brandt - Gene Harvey ( Cameo #301)
The Loves Of Alice Brandt # 4

5 - En Voulez-Vous ? Elle Ena - Kermit Welles ( Venus #128 She Had What It Takes)
She Had What It Takes # 5 - 1952

6 - Elle Essaya D'Ectres Sage - Florence Stonebraker (Venus #133 She Tried To Be Good)
7 - Une Fille Appelee Joy - Gene Harvey ( Cameo #309 A Girl Called Joy)
She Tried To Be Good # 6
A Girl Called Joy # 7

 8 - Une Vie De Peches - Glenn Watkins (Stork # 3 Sinful Life)
Sinful Life # 8

9 -  Infirmiere De Nuit - David Charlson (Venus #135 Night Nurse)

10 - Assernie Au Plaisir - Kermit Welles (Cameo #310 Pleasure Bound)

11- Pas D'Homme A Elle - Florence Stonebraker (Cameo #300 No Man Of Her Own)
12 - Ne Regarde Pas Le Mal - Kermit Welles (Original #710 See No Evil)
No Man Of Her Own # 11
See No Evil # 12

13 - L'amant Passionne - Harmon Bellamy (Venus #109 Lover Boy)
Lover Boy # 13

14 - Carrefour Du Desir - Amos Hatter (Cameo #321 Crossroads Of Desire)
Crossroads Of Desire # 14

15 - L'imprudente - Joan Sherman (Venus #138 Reckless)
Reckless # 15

16 - Femme De Feu - Peggy Gaddis (Cameo # 317Woman Of Fire)
17 - Appelez Ca Mariage - Gail Jordan (Venus #146 Call It Marriage)
Woman Of Fire # 16
Call It Marriage # 17

18 - Amants Au Soleil - Joan Sherman (Venus #143 Lovers In The Sun)
19 - Infedele - Peggy Gaddis (Venus #142 Unfaithful )
Unfaithful # 19 

20 - Affaire Secrete - Amos Hatter (James W. Lampp) (Cameo #308 Secret Affair)
21 - Vouee Au Mal - Harry Whittington (Original #208 Forever Evil)
Secret Affair # 20
Forever Evil # 21

22 - Les Amants Traques - Peggy Gaddis (Venus #149 Runaway Lovers)
23 - La Passion Est Femme - Kate Nickerson (Venus #152 Passion Is A Woman)
Passion Is A Woman # 23

24 - Un Amor Condamne - Harry Whittington
25 - Le Bel Amour D'une Infirmiere - Sylvia Erskine ( Cameo #324 Young Nurse)
Young Nurse # 25 

26 - La Fugitive - Lewis Dixon (Cameo #335 Wild Girl)
Code Name Love # 24 
Wild Girl # 26

27 - Les Amants De Minuit - John Caldwall (Carnival #902 Midnight Sinners)
Midnight Sinners # 27

28 - Les Amours D'une Vedette - Jane Manning (Venus #150 Affairs Of A Leading Lady)
The Affairs Of A Leading Lady #28

29 - L'ardente Carriere D'un Modele - Norman Bligh (Ecstasy #1950/07)
Intimate Confessions of an Artists Model #29

30 - Le Fleur de la Passion - Richard Grant ( Uni Book # 30 Eurasion Girl)
Eurasion Girl # 30 

31 - Un Amour Dechaine - Whit Harrison (Harry Whittington) (Original # 718 Savage Love)
Savage Love # 718

32 - Le Club Du Peche - Harry Whittington
33 - Le Fille Des Marais - Perry Lindsay (Intimate # 11 Swamp Girl)
Swamp Girl # 33 - 1955

Right that takes us very nicely to the half way point and into 1955. Some great books in the above list, as you can see the artwork reproduction is of a very poor quality but none the less they are still highly collectable and trust me they do not appear on auction sites very often but when they do,the early editions go for a decent price and maybe that is what has hindered me from buying more over the years.

Right lets complete the series.

34 - Passion - Gail Jordan (Stork #5 Passionate Lover)
35 - Le Septieme Femme - Barry De Forrest (Intimate # 12 Seventh Wife)
Seventh Wife # 35

36 - Flamme - Ray Booth (Uni Romance #2 Red Hot )
Flame # 36

37 - L'Amour De L'amour - Wright Williams ( Stork #2 Lust For Love)
38 - Une Fille Solitaire - Peggy Gaddis (Venus #172 Farmers Woman)
Lust For Love # 37
Farmers Woman # 38

39 - Casse-Cou - Luthor Gordon (Quarter #31 Wicked)
40 - Veronica - Gerald Foster (Quarter # 43 Vera Is A Tramp)
Casse-Cou #39
Veronica #40

41 - Le Mauvais Ange - Peggy Gaddis (Croydon # 69 Scandalous Nurse)
42 - Amours De Plage - Ralph Douglas (Cameo # 319 Beach Party)
Beach Party # 42

43 - Ellesle Veullent Toutes - Mathew Clay (Cameo #343 Slum Doctor)
44 - La Pente Dangerouse - Whit Harrison (Harry Whittington)
45 - La Brulante Filles Des Collines - Ann Lawrence (Uni #36 Hoydon Of The Hills)
46 - La Fille Des Iles - Amos Hatter (Cameo #318 Island Ecstasy)
47 - Les Soeurs Rivales - Kermit Welles (Venus #144 Innocent Wanton)
Island Ecstasy # 46
Innocent Wanton # 47

48 - Jerry Fait Du Scandale - Bart Frame (Croydon 59 Scandals At A Country Club)
49 - La Chair Est Faible - Sylvia Erskine (Cameo #332 Nurses' Quarter)
50 - Le Chasse-Croise Amoureux - Watkins E. Wright .
51 - Une Blonde Du Tonnerre - Florence Stonebraker (Cameo #304 Naughty Blonde)
Naughty Blonde # 51

52 - Deux Garcions Et Une Fille - Ross Sloane (Quarter # 52 Three Naked Souls)
53 - Jeunesse Damnee - Jane Manning.
Young Sinners # 53

54 - Cleo - Frederic Spencer (Cameo #327 Cleo)
Scandals At A Country Club # 48
Cleo # 54 - 1956

55 - L'entraineuse - Ruth Lyons
56 - La Fille De Sheila - William Arnold (Original # 717 Sheila's Daughter)
Sheila's Daughter # 56

57 - Suzanne Se Reveille - Thomas Stone 
58 - L'ile Du Peche - William Vanneer (Croydon # 49 Sinful Island Vacation)
59 - Etude De Nu - William Arnold 
60 - Le Guet-Apens - Joan Sherman (Croydon #60 Two-Timing Wife)
Two-Timing Wife # 60 - 1957

61 - Une Parfaite Secretire - Gail Jordan (Croydon # 23 Sins Of A Private Secretary)
62 - Anne Prend Un Amant - Sylvia Erskine 
63 - Tristes Paradis - Kate Nickerson (Original #729 Street Of The Blues)
64 - Martha S'ennuie - Arthur Marin (Venus # 134 Doctor's Wife)
65 - Jusqu'au Crime - Peggy Gaddis (Venus #65 Beach Party)
66 - Un Garcon Inoubliable - Norman Bligh .
Beach Party # 65 - 1957

67 - Les Femmes En Blanc - Norman Bligh 
68 - Trop De Fric - Frank Haskell ( Venus Book # 157 Women's Doctor ) 
Women's Doctor # 68 - 1957

As usual Peggy Gaddis provided 17 titles towards the French digest collection and Harry Whittington with 5 novels.

These digest books are great to collect, you can, on a lucky day find them for just a few pounds in pretty good condition and I have never paid more than a fiver for a single edition.

Good luck if you wanna search further time ....who knows ? 

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